Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Dear friends,
tomorrow, Wednesday 20 December 2007, our movie will be facing the final battle: Lembaga Sensor Film. We need your support in many ways possible, even small wish of luck can be meaningfull.

Thank you all.


Nita said...

Gak sabar mau nonton jadinya :)

Udah waktunya untuk buat film-film Indonesia yang (amat sangat) bagus (banget), berbobot dan beragam.

Sukses yaaa...

sendja said...

good luck :)

Roberto said...

So, how's the result?
Ditunggu loh kabarnya... :)

Anonymous said...

Why are a handful of government officials deciding what 240 millions Indonesian will see or not at the movies and on television? This censorship needs to stop. People should have the freedom to make their own decision what they will view.

Roberto said...

Akhirnya, kemaren nonton juga nih film... great movie!